[ RO] Stiti?
Parca am spus in postarea anterioara de un concurs.Nu?
Ce ziceti?Mai facem unul?
Eu vreau,dar depinde si de voi.Dar ca sa facem un concurs,trebuie sa intrati cat mai mult,sau de mai multe ori pe plog.Uitati cum vom face:Voi,va trebui cand intrati pe blog sa-mi un comm.ca:Buna!,iar eu am sa vad daca ati intrat.OK?
Sa va zic si concursul?
Va trebui sa intrati prima data pe blog,sa imi scrieti la aceasta postare,la comm,sa scrieti BUNA iar daca ati scris Buna aceeasi persoana de cel putin 3 ori,va voi spune concursul,dar daca nu intrati decat de cel mult 3 ori,am sa scriu concursul pe blog.Dar nu uitati va trebui sa intrati va rog!
[ EN ] You know?
Like we said in a previous posting contest.No?
What do you think? May we one?
I want, but depends on voi.But to make a contest, you must enter as much or more times per blog.Uitati as we do: You will be entering his blog when I leave a comment . like: Hi, and I'll see if you intrat.OK?
He will say the contest?
No, no, no!
It will be first to enter the blog, write me at this posting, the comments, write good and proper if the same person wrote at least three times, I will tell contest, but if you get than 3 times I was writing contest will be blog.But not forget to join please!
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